Thursday, April 23, 2009

China's One-Child policy, Benifets and Disadvantages.

For Homework last night we had to read an article about china's one child per family policy. The article talked about why the policy is needed and how the chinese feel about it, as well as all the cultural side effects to this policy. The biggest thing in the article was how the chinese culture favours sons and so lots of chinese people are doing legal and ilegal things to try and have their first and only child a boy. A side effect of that is that all of the single children, usually boys, are getting spoilt and overweight. People predict that by the year 2020 there will be 30 million men without a lady. If you think "why don't they just stop the policy" then the argument would be that then the chinese people might have another baby boom, which is why they put the policy there in the first place. What we had to do in class today was discuss this policy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

China's policy will have to be adopted by the entire world or overpopulation will result in nature's solution which is war and starvation. No doubt that is deserved by folks who don't have as much sense as China.