Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Why do Civilizations have laws?

Civilizations have laws because if laws or rules were non existent and anyone could do whatever they wanted the world would be in chaos. Anyone would be able to kill anyone, they could steal from other people, little kids could be drinking beer and taking drugs, people could injure eachother, people could build whatever they want and drivers wouldn't have to have a driver's liscence, they could get drunk and crash and they could speed and go through red lights. Though i also think laws should not be to strict, like Hammurabi's code, like if you hit your father your hand would be cut off, or probably people would just riot and still cause chaos. I thought tghat Hammurabi's code was not very fair, although i see reasoning in his laws.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Farming is Crucial to Civilization!

After I watched the movie I thought that farming was one of the most important things toward building a civilization because without farming and growing your own crops you have to devote lots of time into gathering from fruit or tracking down prey and killing it with a bow and arrow. But with farming you do not have to go far to collect your food and further on if you control a herd of sheep or goats, you would be able to kill it, get milk from it and plow your crops with them. Then when your not wasting as much time, you can decorate your house or make steel to help crpos or weapons.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Alarming News!

scientists from austalian college S.P.O.O.F have showed that a poison has human hearts in its grip and won't let go! the only known race that is known that can resist it is the race called the AIDANS. Aidan means fiery one and means that their heart's are gripped by fire and won't be destroyed by the poison, to fix your'e problem change your name to AIDAN now! it will help you in the future....

ALSO there was a saint called ST AIDAN and he was cool, so cool in fact that in austalia they named a church after him!!!!!!!!!!!!


Any one who can fly should submit themselves to court right away, for there is going to be a new law about flying. The rules state that any one that will fly faster than 10 km per hour will be given a fine, howeverif you breach 60 km per hour you will be sent downtown to spend the night in jail. Second time offenders will be spending a week and the third time your'e out. Also there are limits to were you can go, only place on the moon is Sperinidoyd 7 (the space dock), but down on earth you are allowed to roam the U.S.A (not alaska), all of Oceania, Peru and Equador, China, Japan, India, Malaysia (NOT SINGAPORE!) All Europe (including Turkey) all of Antartica and Quebec!

* This only applies to Unnatural flyers using only wings or using Super Powers (Superman... we're looking at you!)

rules will be applied in the late 2008's to early 2009's so lets get a move on!

Before any flyer goes and gives themselves up plese send me a pic! BEG (Big Evil Grin)

Aid Lindsay's Dance

Monday, November 10, 2008

SPCA-Part 2 (random add)

Anyone reading this page who has just moved here or just is looking for a pet, it would be very helpful to animals if you get it at the SPCA they are always looking for an adoption and foster homes for puppies. So if you know anyone looking for a pet get them to go to SPCA!

SPCA-Part 1 (humanities)

My response to the SPCA is that I already knew that a lot of people distreat their pets, it might be a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a bird or a horse, but I didnt really know how bad it was. The slideshow was very moving in the sense that it made a lot of people aware of what is happening to pets, and strays. In Australia, there was a RSPCA which was the Royal SPCA and i guess it had more advertisement but it was nearly the same, so at least we know that it is not just Malaysia that is helping animals but also othe countries.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Call It Courage

To my surprise I kind of liked the book call it courage, although I didn't like Mafatu that much I more prefered how it was written. Because I stuck to reading each chapter when Mr McQueen told us to I was always waiting excitedly for the next chapter. I think the book was too short and it ended too quickly, but it was still enjoyable. I also liked how Sperry described the sacred island, the descriptions were good enough for me to easily picture it.
Sperry must have had a lot of understanding of Polynesia to be able to write like that.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A reader

just to tell you something, I LOVE READING
it fun and it lets your imagination go wild!
i love reading thick books like ERAGON, ELDEST and BRISINGR ALSO MAGYK

Hi Guys!

A new baby blogger has been born!
I dont feel like saying much for i am shy.