Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Any one who can fly should submit themselves to court right away, for there is going to be a new law about flying. The rules state that any one that will fly faster than 10 km per hour will be given a fine, howeverif you breach 60 km per hour you will be sent downtown to spend the night in jail. Second time offenders will be spending a week and the third time your'e out. Also there are limits to were you can go, only place on the moon is Sperinidoyd 7 (the space dock), but down on earth you are allowed to roam the U.S.A (not alaska), all of Oceania, Peru and Equador, China, Japan, India, Malaysia (NOT SINGAPORE!) All Europe (including Turkey) all of Antartica and Quebec!

* This only applies to Unnatural flyers using only wings or using Super Powers (Superman... we're looking at you!)

rules will be applied in the late 2008's to early 2009's so lets get a move on!

Before any flyer goes and gives themselves up plese send me a pic! BEG (Big Evil Grin)

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